Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Digital Technologies chp 6

I knew there were many different digital tools to use in the classroom, but after reading chapter six I learned about new tools. I never thought about having students use graphic tablets or touch screens in class. These tools weren't available when I was in school so it is amazing to see how different things have changed in just a few years. I have experience with some digital tools but most of the time I was learning with them. I have use wireless internet, powerpoints, data projections, and digital cameras in the classroom. I have had many teachers use these tools to help get their point across to the students. These tools help with my learning because with technology I am interested in it and it helps me stay focused. I haven't really did much for teaching with any tools. I have used an overhead projector and powerpoint to do a few presentations. Besides that most of these tools will be new to me as a teacher. I am excited to get to figure out new ways to make my classroom interesting by using these tools.


  1. Katleyn,

    I too have really only had experience learning with digital tools. I don't really have any experience when it comes to teaching with technology. I find myself wondering what new innovations will be around by the time we earn our degrees.Advancements in technology happen so quickly, who knows what will be invented next?

  2. Katelyn,

    After reading the chapter, I learned about new tools of technology that will help aid students in the classroom. I always knew that there were different types of technical devices, but I did not think about the variety of digital tools. I remember using a Smart Board my Senior year in high school (2009), but that is the newest form of technology that I have had experience with (other than my smart phone). This revolution of digital technology in the classroom makes me think: "Where will technology be when we receive our teaching degrees"?
