Thursday, December 9, 2010

Module 14 Blog

Wireless connection is not new to me, but in classrooms it is. I think in the near future students will have wireless laptops in class or netbooks. Artificial Intelligences programs are new to me. I have never worked with AI programs so I am not sure if these types of programs will have much of an impact in the classroom. On thing that is very important is computer literacy. Computers and technology are so important now that being computer literate is a skill that must be taught in schools. This is now a digital age and everyone must learn to use technology to help them understand and learn. Teaching with technology will also give the teacher so many more options in which to teach a concept. I think that being computer literate is the most important thing for classes to learn. i also think that the wireless connection is going to have a huge impact on classrooms.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ethical Issues

I knew a little bit about ehtical issues, but this chapter went into great detail explaining everything. There were mahy things i didn't realize that a teacher could do to break the law. I didn't know there was certain copies that could be made or that a teacher could only use certain information one time. I am glad that we did this chapter and I think that it will make a great reference when deciding on lesson plans and presenting work to my class.
I really liked the part on the powerpoint about academic dishonesty. It is just as important for the students to understand ethical issues as well as the teacher does. The students need to know that they can not cheat. They should have the help and confidence to do the work on their own. It is important as the teacher to do everything to discourage cheating on papers and on other work in school.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Module 11 Blog

I was interested in learning about audiovisual technologies. I learned that there are alot of different ways to incorporate videos into the classroom. The teacher can use the videos to help explain a less plan. The students can use videos to show or explain their projects to their class or post it on the internet and make it available for others to see. Students want to learn with technology so the teachers must know how to use it. Videos can also let students and teachers collaborate on projects and information. I also learned how to use YouTube Videos even though they are blocked through school internet. It is important that teachers use technology in their classrooms to make students aware of the technology available for them and audiovisual technologies is another way for them to use technology.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Module 10 Blog

I was very surprised by how many places do distance education. I didn't realize that there were classes offered to elementary and high school students using distance learning. I was happy to read that they give students preparations before having them do online courses. Teaching them to work independently will help them be much more successful in their distance education classes. One things that I found very interesting was the videoconferencing. I think that this would be very helpful for high school students, but getting everyone online at one time will be difficult. I was very surprised to see that elementary had online learning for students. When I was in school we hardly used the computers and now they are doing online work on their own. I think that this would be great for home schooled students. Getting help online through a local school would be great for them. As elementary students I just don't see how distance education would work for them. It is hard enough for students to understand work in class, but to get them to do it alone would be very hard for them. I think distance education is a great way to learn for some people, but here are a lot of people who can't learn this way. I think that this is a choice everyone has to make for themselves to see if they will be successful. If you learn better in a classroom setting then it is best to stay in the classroom.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Module 9 Blog

Technology is going to be a very useful tool in my classroom. From the reading I found that class websites will be very helpful. If students miss school they will know what they missed and they will be able to access the work at home. The class web page will also let parents see what is happening in the class. I also like the blogs because the students will get to write exactly what they think and let everyone see their opinion on the work. I also like it beacuase it will help everyone understand the assignment and they can comment oneach others blogs. Another helpful tool is the project based learning. This will get the students into the work and give them a better understanding of what we are covering for the project. Doing project based learning will give the students a chance to review the work again and make sure that everyone really understands the material.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Webquest module 8

I have never used webquest, but it looks very interesting. I learned that webquest is an online tool for teachers to present information for students. Webquest takes a lesson and separates it into stages to make the lesson more understandable. Webquest organizes the lesson so everyone can understand what to do. Webquest also gives the student a chance to include online resources with their projects.
I would use webquest in my classroom to help organize information from a story. If my students do not understand the story, I would use webquest to break down the information and organize it for the students.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chapter 9 Blog

I was familiar with most of the material covered in chapter 9. I use my computer all the time for email, research, and basic internet access. The part of chapter 9 that was new to me was creating and evaluating web sites. I always read through the sites to see if it seems like a good site, but I have never actually evaluated it. I have come across sites that don't seem ligitament so I just got to a different one. I have also never created a web site. The rubric in chapter 9 will be very helpful in evaluating a web site. This chapter will help me to be able to find good and bad web sites in my classroom.