Thursday, November 4, 2010

Module 10 Blog

I was very surprised by how many places do distance education. I didn't realize that there were classes offered to elementary and high school students using distance learning. I was happy to read that they give students preparations before having them do online courses. Teaching them to work independently will help them be much more successful in their distance education classes. One things that I found very interesting was the videoconferencing. I think that this would be very helpful for high school students, but getting everyone online at one time will be difficult. I was very surprised to see that elementary had online learning for students. When I was in school we hardly used the computers and now they are doing online work on their own. I think that this would be great for home schooled students. Getting help online through a local school would be great for them. As elementary students I just don't see how distance education would work for them. It is hard enough for students to understand work in class, but to get them to do it alone would be very hard for them. I think distance education is a great way to learn for some people, but here are a lot of people who can't learn this way. I think that this is a choice everyone has to make for themselves to see if they will be successful. If you learn better in a classroom setting then it is best to stay in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I don't think distant education is the best learning tool for elementary students. I do however, think it is a good idea for some students, specifically high school & college students.
